Immanuel Highlands Episcopal Church is a diverse and inclusive community in the Episcopal tradition recognizing scripture, tradition, and reason as the basis for faith and the understanding of our relationship with an unconditionally loving God.
As a community we gather together...
TO WORSHIP Our regular schedule offers two Sunday morning services (i8:00 am / 10:30 am) to celebrate God in our midst, and join together around the Holy Table for Communion.
After each service
Reception after Evensong
Potluck supper during Adult Christian Education
Meals after Feast Day celebrations
TO DO GOD'S WORK We are God's hands in the world. Together we do God's work through our own parish outreach, our community, and responding to needs world-wide.
Since we are a community, we welcome newcomers as much as we welcome each other. This flows from a knowledge that each person brings incalculable value to the human family and that our parish is enriched by each person who enters. As Jean Vanier said: “Response to injustice is to share. Response to despair is a limitless trust and hope. Response to prejudice and hatred is forgiveness. To work for community is to work for humanity.”